PHONE: 0330 016 8840

Temporary Horizontal Lifeline 20m


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    SECURE FIRST introduces the Horizontal Anchorage Lifeline to provide a suitable and safe anchorage extending horizontally along a length of up to 20m.

    • 30mm Polyester Webbing
    • Ratchet tensioner
    • complete with auto-locking karabiners
    • 2 person use
    • supplied permanently attached to carry bag with
    • easy to transport
    • excess life line can be stowed when deployed
    • Compliance EN795 Class B

    Once the Lifeline is fitted, the user can easily attach the Lanyard of his Harness to the Lifeline using a Karabiner. This allows movement along the length while keeping the user secured and safe at all times.

    Horizontal lifelines, depending on their geometry (see diagram) and angle of sag, subjected to greater loads than the impact load imposed by an attached component. When the angle of horizontal lifeline sag is less than 30 degrees, the impact force imparted to the lifeline by an attached lanyard is greatly amplified. For example, with a sag angle of 15 degrees, the force amplification is about 2:1 and at 5 degrees sag, it is about 6:1. Depending on the angle of sag, and the line’s elasticity, the strength of the horizontal lifeline and the anchorages to which it is attached should be increased a number of times over that of the lanyard.

    Horizontal lifelines shall have a tensile strength capable of supporting a fall impact load of at least 5,000 pounds (22.2 kN) per employee using the lifeline, applied anywhere along the lifeline.